Friday, March 28, 2008

"Wheat for Man"

There is something extraordinarily rare about eating whole foods in which all the experts agree. The whole foods we were given—the grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts—(“true foods”) were custom designed to keep our bodies in good working order. These are the foods that have sustained humans and animals since the beginning of time. Why? It’s about balance—true foods have just the right nutrients, in just the right combinations to be absorbed, assimilated, and eliminated from the body properly.

A kernel of wheat (and every other grain) is actually made up of three parts; starch, bran and germ. All three of these parts are needed to make a true food for the human body. Each one is needed in the natural proportions for us to digest, assimilate and then eliminate the waste. When one of these three parts of the grain is missing, starch, bran, or germ, the grain is no longer a true food for man. White flour alone acts as glue in our bodies, coating our intestinal tract so that nutrition cannot penetrate and reach the various parts of our body. It is extremely important to our health and well being to eat whole foods and this includes the whole grain of wheat. The Lord knew what he was talking about when he said “Wheat for man!!”

Remember good health is a process, not an event. Don’t expect to change a lifetime of eating habits overnight. Start a little at a time. If you are not used to eating wheat, try using the recipes below with ½ wheat and ½ white flour. As time goes by, you will most likely find that you prefer the taste and texture of wheat flour to white. Have fun. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try something new.

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